Speaker Biography
Mike Mongo
Author, The Astronaut Instruction Manual
Mike Mongo
Author, The Astronaut Instruction Manual
Mike Mongo is author of The Astronaut Instruction Manual. As an author, teacher, podcaster, and STEAM writer, he annually empowers thousands of students in classrooms all over the world to pursue astronautic careers and to live, work, and play in space. He regularly teaches astronautics in Mexico, England, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Haiti, the US and Canada, and is the first US American to teach in Cuba primary schools in over 50 years–completing six trips to Cuba for teaching in Havana city schools since 2014.
Mr Mongo is vice-president Icarus Interstellar, co-founder and director of Starship Congress, special advisor to the Board of Students for Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS), and co-chief engineer of Yuri’s Night Space Coast at Kennedy Space Center. Mike is creator of the Space is for Everybody and BUILD A STARSHIP initiatives, and is based out of Key West, FL, where he lives with his wife Leonie Thompson-Mongo, his son Ralphael, and a number of outdoor cats. His book, The Astronaut Instruction Manual, is in pre-production for television.