ISDC® 2019 Student Recommended Attire
Nice dress, pants, blouse, or skirt. No halters, spaghetti-strap tops, belly-shirts, shorts, jeans, or showing of shoulders or stomach. Bring comfortable shoes, there will be a lot of walking and standing.
Nice pants or khakis and a button shirt with tie or polo style shirt. No jeans, shorts or tank tops. Bring comfortable shoes, there will be a lot of walking and standing.
Most people at the Conference will be professionals and will wear business suits or dresses when they give their presentations. It is not necessary to wear a suit or a dress; however, a shirt and tie or nice polo shirt with pants for men and a blouse and skirt/pants for women is appropriate. Keep in mind that you will be in front of professionals who are dressed in business attire, and you should strive to be as professional-looking as you can.

Antonio Stark from South Korea: Space Settlement Contest Grand Prize Winner and mentor to Space Settlement Contest Grand Prize Winners.